Referee Program
Surrey United Soccer Club has updated its Referee Programming. This new, updated program is focused on engagement, recruitment, education, mentorship and on-field experience for the advancement of any aspiring referee with any level of experience.
Referee Certification Clinics
BC Soccer is currently still in phase 1 of the return to play and therefore no clinics
have been scheduled. We are waiting on information about future clinics, including
the refresher course that all referees are required to take. There will likely be an online
component to most upcoming clinics.
Refer to our Referee Clinics Page for updated course offerings.
We have begun restructuring our mentorship program to include new engagement
opportunities for both our referees and our mentors. Ongoing support and mentorship
will be tailored for all Surrey United SC referees as individual performance and
experience is tracked throughout each year. This will allow our mentors to support
those beginning referees as well as those referees with more experience that may
wish to advance their referee opportunities to higher levels of play.
Monthly Surrey United Referee Training & Education Sessions
Our referee program will now include monthly group training and education sessions throughout the year. Referees will be provided the opportunity to continuously work on fitness, positioning, and signals while building a referee community within Surrey United SC. These sessions will provide an opportunity to review the Laws of the Game, share personal experiences from the pitch, and video analysis review and discussion.
Any questions about our referee programming can be directed to our Referee Coordinator, Stefan Tanaka-Freundt: